Acupuncture was derived in China and has been practiced for over 2000 years. Acupuncture stimulates Qi (energy channels) within the body and promotes balance and harmony within its meridians. When there is disharmony within the facia of the body it creates disharmony within the system. Acupuncture is a healing therapy and creates a natural balance. Acupuncture needles are very fine and often the client cannot even feel that they have been inserted. Needles are sterile and are used only once.
Around 4 treatments to start with are recommended and if necessary treatment will be ongoing from there. After a session clients often feel an increase in energy levels, a feeling of balance and relaxation. Acupuncture treats a wide scope of issues such as pain, depression and anxiety, brain fog, menopause symptoms, low immune systems, addictions, cancer, bloating and addictions.
45 minutes - £45.
The Lansdown Clinic, Bath, BA1 5EE Call for an appointment on 07772 533120 or email